Profile Picture
Hello! My name is...

Casey Dyke

A hobbyist photographer interested in animals and wildlife.

About Me

A little bit about me and how I got here.

At a young age, I was infatuated with animals and wildlife. As I got older, I started studying animal and zoo management. As my passion grew, I wanted to find a way for others to appreciate animals the same way I do. After discovering animal photographers and their impressive work, I took up the idea of becoming one myself in hopes of sharing my passion with the world.

In 2021, I purchased my first DSLR camera and used my own animals as subjects to practice on. I'd also take regular trips to Southampton Reptile Centre to photograph their animals as well. Soon enough, they took notice and an agreement was established that they could use my photos for their marketing, and I would recieve service with no charge.

After building some confidence, I took the deep dive and started photographing animals at major zoos, such as Marwell Wildlife, ZSL London Zoo, Exmoor Zoo, and more. Just over a year later, I entered the Marwell Wildlife Photography competition and got my picture of their Two Toed Sloth in their 2023 calendar. A few months later, I entered the 2022 BIAZA Photo competition and was awarded with a runner up accolade for my photo of a Swift Parrot.

Determined to get first place, in 2023, I entered the BIAZA Photo competition again with photos of an emerald tree monitor from Marwell Wildlife, and a nettle jellyfish from ZSL London Zoo and won both awards!

Featured Photos

A few of my top and award winning photos.


Hawk Conservancy Trust


Longleat Safari Park


Marwell Wildlife


Marwell Wildlife


Exmoor Zoo


ZSL London Zoo


Southampton Reptile Centre